Urban accessibility
is the ease with which people can reach activities such as employment opportunities, health and education services. The accessibility levels in a city or neighbourhood depend on the efficiency and connectivity of the transport network but also on the proximity between people and activities. The promotion of more sustainable, inclusive and smart cities and mobility systems requires policies that improve overall urban accessibility and reduce inequalities in access to opportunities.
The Access to Opportunities Lab (AOP-Lab) is a research group dedicated to conducting research and developing computational tools and data resources for spatial accessibility and urban planning, with a strong emphasis on addressing social inequalities and promoting sustainable urban mobility. The flagship project of the AOP-Lab is the "Access to Opportunities Project," which generates estimates of access to employment and public services (including healthcare, education, and social welfare) at high spatial resolution by mode of transportation for Brazil's largest cities. All publications, data, and code from the AOP-Lab are publicly available through this website. More info here.
How long does it take you to get to the nearest hospital or school? How many jobs can you reach in less than an hour?