
Harnessing Public Research for Innovation in the 21st Century

Published by Cambridge University Press, publication assesses international knowledge transfer policies

With the objective of evaluating practices and results and improving the metrics of knowledge transfer, research and evaluation structures, Cambridge University Press launched the book “Harnessing Public Research for Innovation in the 21st Century - An International Assessment of Knowledge Transfer Policies”, highlighting cases of public policies around the world focused on innovation and knowledge transfer, with the participation of researchers from different institutions and countries, including Brazil.

In a chapter on Brazilian policies to support innovation and interaction between universities, research organizations and companies, Fernanda De Negri, from the Research Center for Science, Technology and Society at Ipea, and Cristiane Vianna Rauen, general coordinator of innovation actions, entrepreneurship and technological initiation of the Brazilian Ministry of Education, address the university-business relationship in Brazil based on a review of the literature and legislation.

The researchers present data on innovation policies and official indicators, in addition to information collected at eighteen universities and research institutes and four Brazilian knowledge transfer offices.

In addition to these data, the chapter addresses questions about the role of public research organizations in the Brazilian innovation system, as well as policies introduced in the country to strengthen their scientific and innovative capacity, including institutional practices and main channels of knowledge transfer.

According to the authors, although the main universities and research institutions support this transfer to the business sector, the excessive bureaucracy, the limitation in patent licensing and the lack of competition among Brazilian companies remain among the obstacles to improve interaction university-industry in Brazil.

With free access, the full publication in English is available here.

To read the Brazilian chapter, just click here.