Launch of the Issue on Border Development and Migrations and Call for Papers for the Dossier on Defense Policy in Brazil


Issue 35 of the Revista Tempo do Mundo (RTM), dedicated to the theme "Border Development and Migrations", is now available on the website. The edition brings together a collection of studies addressing cross-border movements, the situation of stateless persons, manifestations of xenophobia, and regional integration initiatives. This special publication is the result of a partnership between the Institute for Applied Economic Research (Ipea) and the Border Observatory of International Migrations (Migrafron), affiliated with the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS).

The launch event took place at the Pantanal Campus of UFMS, in Corumbá, a city located on the border between Brazil and Bolivia and home to Migrafron. The publication of this issue reinforces Ipea’s leadership in studies and research on borders — a prominent theme within the institution — and its collaboration with strategic partners such as Migrafron.

A launch event will also be held at Ipea’s headquarters in Brasília, where the article "Gender Perspective in Brazilian Foreign Policy: Current Efforts for Mainstreaming", authored by diplomats Vanessa Dolce de Faria and Mariana Yokoya Simoni, will be presented and discussed. A second panel will address the challenges of the National Border Strategy, with the participation of managers from ministries directly involved in drafting the first document with this objective in Brazil's history. Information about the event and participation details will be announced soon on Ipea’s social media channels.

Link to read the dossier:

Link to watch the recording of the debate launching the edition in Corumbá/MS:

Call for papers for the dossier on Defense Policy in Brazil

In the current global context, where immigration is often perceived as a threat to national security and borders between countries are treated as barriers rather than hubs of integration, the next issue of RTM - which is still open for paper submissions - will address the National Defense Policy. The theme lies at the interface between domestic and international environments and at the intersection of government and state policy.

Marking the 25th anniversary of the Ministry of Defense and the discussion of important Defense and Security documents in the National Congress, the RTM issue on the National Defense Policy will be coordinated by Selma Lúcia de Moura Gonzales, professor and researcher at the Superior School of Defense (ESD), and Raphael Camargo Lima, researcher at King’s College London. Manuscripts can be submitted through the journal’s website until March 31, 2025.

More information on the call for papers can be found at: