
  • Caio Fabiano Arquiteto e Urbanista
  • Suely Muniz IPT


sustainable urban development, regularization and environment, social housing, slums in Santos, Dique Vila Gilda


This article testify the complexity for the regularization of what is considered the largest slum on stilts
in Brazil, known as Dique Vila Gilda, located along the banks of the Rio dos Bugres on a “Permanent Preservation Area”, in Santos. In addition to housing solution for the large number of families living there (estimated in 2007 in 6 thousand families with monthly income of no more than a minimum wage), this process shows the need to find a solution that does not fall under further environmental damage.
The analysis points out urban concepts and made use of urban and environmental laws and their possible
deployment on the specific case of the Dique Vila Gilda. The search for references to the improvement
of the proposal from COHAB Santos, in 2007, pretend to show alternative adequate housing for the community affected as well as the preservation of the environment.

Author Biographies

Caio Fabiano, Arquiteto e Urbanista

Arquiteto e Urbanista.

Suely Muniz, IPT

Professora do Mestrado em Habitação do Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo (IPT).



How to Cite

Fabiano, C., & Muniz, S. (2022). DIQUE VILA GILDA:: ALTERNATIVES FOR REGULARIZATION. Planejamento E Políticas Públicas, (34). Retrieved from //ipea.gov.br/ppp/index.php/PPP/article/view/173