higher education, performance, hierarchical modelsResumo
This paper aims to analyze whether there is a multilevel effect on students’ performance at public higher education institutions in Brazil. For this, National Student Performance Examination (Exame Nacional de Desempenho dos Estudantes – Enade) microdata and the Higher Education Census (Censo da Educação Superior) from 2016 to 2018 were used, and a two-level hierarchical model was estimated: students and courses. Students’ social and economic characteristics and specificities of undergraduate courses were used in the analysis. It was observed that issues such as sex, age, parents’ education, and students’ socioeconomic conditions influence the performance of the exam. About the courses, it was observed that the course shift, the concentration area, and the region where they are located could also affect student performance. Courses located in Brazilian capitals have a higher student performance.
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