


sociodemographic factors, covid-19, group of risk, multinomial logit model


The objective of this paper is to analyze factors that relate to the evolution of health conditions of Brazilian patients with covid-19. It uses secondary data obtained from the Ministry of Health’s, and a multinomial logit model is estimated. It verifies the probability of those infected with Sars-COV-2 to heal themselves without the use of Intensive Care Unite (ICU), to heal with the use of ICU, to die without having access to the ICU, to die even using the ICU. Other variables related to personal characteristics, socioeconomic conditions, health and geographic location of patients were also incorporated in analysis. The main results showed that men, individuals non-white, people less educated, and patients with comorbidities are more likely to develop severe cases of the disease. The results found for Indigenous peoples highlight a probability that they have a higher chance of dying without receiving intensive treatment in about 128.8%, compared with white patients. Also, the chances of developing severe cases of the disease and receiving intensive treatment vary, according to the region of the country where the patient is located.


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How to Cite

Soares dos Santos, P., Dias Bezerra, Évilly C., Dias, L. C., Cigainski Lisbinski, F. ., & Arruda Coronel, D. (2023). SOCIAL FACTORS AND MEDICAL CONDITIONS THAT CAN WORSEN THE SITUATION OF PATIENTS WITH COVID-19: EVIDENCE FOR BRAZIL IN 2020. Planejamento E Políticas Públicas, (63).

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