International Seminar Revista Tempo do Mundo – G20 Challenges and the Brazilian Pro Tempore Presidency
02:30 às 04:30
Ipea’s Office in Rio (in the same building of Brazil´s Central Bank), Auditorium No. 1908 – Presidente Vargas Avenue, n. 730, and Ipea Headquarters in Brasilia, 2nd floor meeting room, Petal A
- Dia e hora inicial do evento: 13-11-2024 02:30
- Dia e hora final do evento: 13-11-2024 04:30
- Local do evento da agenda: Ipea’s Office in Rio (in the same building of Brazil´s Central Bank), Auditorium No. 1908 – Presidente Vargas Avenue, n. 730, and Ipea Headquarters in Brasilia, 2nd floor meeting room, Petal A
Click here and register to attend in person(register by 2pm on November 11th) | Link Youtube Ipea |
In English:
Welcome remarks and opening:
Luciana Mendes Santos Servo – president of Ipea
Walter Desiderá – co-editor of Revista Tempo do Mundo
Antonio Freitas – undersecretary for International Finance and Economic Cooperation at the Ministry of Finance and vice-coordinator of the G20 Finance Track
Coordinators of the issue 34 of Revista Tempo do Mundo:
André de Mello e Souza – coordinator of the International Policy Center for Inclusive Development (Dinte/Ipea)
Elizabeth Sidiropoulos – chief executive of South African Institute of International Affairs
Sachin Chaturvedi – director General at the Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS, India)
Pami Dua – senior professor and former director of the Delhi School of Economics at the University of Delhi (India)
Philani Mthembu – executive director of the Institute for Global Dialogue (South Africa)
Vera Helena Thorstensen – professor at the São Paulo School of Economics of the Fundação Getúlio Vargas (EESP-FGV)
Giorgio Romano Schutte – professor at the Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC)
Ana Elisa Saggioro Garcia –professor at the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ)
Audience: Event open to the public by registration
Live stream: Ipea's Youtube channel
Presented by: International Studies Directorate (Dinte/Ipea)