Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada


Resultados 39581 - 39590 de 39595
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  • Publicações

    O Mercado brasileiro de capitais

    Discute problemas da economia nacional em linguagem não técnica, incluindo uma apreciação das reformas econômicas e sociais aprovadas pelo Congresso nas áreas de agricultura, tributação, sistema bancário, habitação popular, etc. O objetivo do presente...


  • Publicações

    The relation between the rate of return on investment projects and the rate of growth of the national product

    The paper presents a revised formulation which has the adventage of making possible a comparison of different types of investment projects, including such projects as investment in education which cannot be analyzed very successfully in terms of...


  • Publicações

    Coordenates of spatial models

    The paper tries to establish a systematic way of characterlzing the models of spatial economics through the attributions assumed by demand and supply of goods, demand and supply of the production factors and the linkage between supply and damand. Only...


  • Publicações

    The 1964/66 action program of Brazilian government

    On August 13th, 1964 the Brazilian Ministry of Planning presented to Parliament an Action Program for 1964/66. This Program was the result of a few weeks of concentrated round the clock effort by a small team aasociated with the Ministry of Planning....


  • Publicações

    Comments on the group of ten's report

    This paper has been written in response to a report to the deputies of the Group of Ten: Report of the Study group on the Creation of Reserve Assets, of May 31, 1965. The purposes of this paper are: to describe the nature of international liquidity, and...


  • Publicações

    Brazil's participation in LAFTA : 1962 - 1965

    In emulation of the apparently successful example of the European Common Market, the major countries of Latin America have banded together for promotion of trade among themselves. Result is the Latin American Free Trade Association, commonly known as...


  • Publicações

    Epea : History, organization and functions

    Apresenta um histórico sobre a criação do Escritório de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Epea), a formação de seu corpo técnico, programas a serem desenvolvidos em 1965, organização e funções. EPS/J __.5?.-s.ÇS EX2 Organize, ti op and Functions1 The...


  • Publicações

    Brazil's participation in LAFTA : 1962 - 1965

    In emulation of the apparently successful example of the European Common Market, the major countries of Latin America have banded together for promotion of trade among themselves. Result is the Latin American Free Trade Association, commonly known as...


  • Publicações

    O Mercado brasileiro de capitais

    Discute problemas da economia nacional em linguagem não técnica, incluindo uma apreciação das reformas econômicas e sociais aprovadas pelo Congresso nas áreas de agricultura, tributação, sistema bancário, habitação popular, etc. O objetivo do presente...


  • Publicações

    Rice, wheat & soy bean transport & storage : Rio Grande do Sul

    The conclusions itemized in this report were based upon: (1) observation in Rio Grande do Sul growing area; (2) Porto Alegre port and warehouse area; (3) upon statistical data, provided by the Instituto Riograndense do Arroz (IRGA); (4) Conference with...


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